プレイヤーの数: 2 - 4
ゲームの長さ: 50 mn
複雑さ: 2 / 5
ウェストランディア(Wastelandia) および1007の他のゲームをオンラインでプレイします。

ウェストランディア(Wastelandia) および1007の他のゲームをオンラインでプレイします。

This is a co-operative game where you roll dice to activate your abilities and win (or lose) together!
A turn is made up of 5 Steps
- Reveal Baddie Ability
- Roll Dice
- Reroll (Optional)
- Use Abilities
- Baddie Abilities
Reveal Baddie Ability
Each Baddie has A,B and C abilities.
Baddie abilities are revealed at the start of a turn, but don't happen until the very end of your turn. This helps you plan an mitigate they're actions.
However, if the word "Quick" is used, it will affect you during your actions.
Roll Dice
The dice are rolled.
You start with 5, but may have access to up to 7.
Re-Roll (Optional)
If you wish, you may spend a Power Cube to reroll any number of dice you desire.
If you're still not happy, you can spend another Power Cube to reroll the same, different, or a mixture of dice again.
Use Abilities
To use an ability, you need the related dice which activate it.
It's important to note that each ability can only be used ONCE in your turn.
However, your abilities can be used in any order. ORDER IS IMPORTANT.
Baddie Abilities
Baddies will now resolve their abilities.
If there are multiple baddies, they will resolve as follows:
- Non-Damage and non-Fear abilities first
- Fear Abilities second
- Damage Abilities Last
Card Details
The cards are grouped into a number of categories
- Damage (Cracked Heart) abilities deal damage. Use them to defeat baddies.
- Fear (Sad Face) is extra damage that will occur when a weapon is used, so if possible use this before weapons.
Ex. If you deal 1 damage to a baddie with 10 fear, the baddie will take 11 damage.
- Health (Heart) abilities will heal you.
Players start at 15 health, but a player max health is actually 30, so nothing wrong with healing on first turn as you will gain!
- Dice manipulation (Hand) help you manipulate your dice in favorable ways.
- Power Cubes (Three dice in a circle) allow you to reroll any number of dice, helping you to change your luck.
- Special cards may have more textual abilities, not related to the above symbol system.
End of Battle
Once all Baddies are defeated, your team will Loot and you'll gain upgrades before the next fight.
Finish 4 battles to win.
If ANY player drops to 0 health, you all lose....