スプリッターでは、勝利点を獲得するために数字(2を2つ、3を3つなど)をグループ化する必要がありますが、一度に2つの数字を配置するため、常にうまくいくとは限りません。 手番では、誰かが2つの6面ダイスを振ります。次に、各プレイヤーは結果を書き込みます。1と4はパターン内の空きスペースにあり、各数字は他の数字の鏡映されたスペースにあります。 すべてのスペースが埋まった後、スコアを計算します。それぞれの1が単独で(つまり、他の1が直角に隣接していない場合)は1点を獲得します。他に直交して隣接する2がない2つの2の各セットは2点を獲得します。6個の6のセットまで同様に続きます。 最も高いスコアを持った人が勝利します。
プレイヤーの数: 1 - 12
ゲームの長さ: 7 mn
複雑さ: 0 / 5
スプリッター(Splitter) および963の他のゲームをオンラインでプレイします。
スプリッター(Splitter) および963の他のゲームをオンラインでプレイします。
DEA OF THE GAME Every round, all players write down the same numbers (1–6) on their score sheets, but (usually) in different positions. After 22 rounds, each player will have completely filled in their score sheet. If at the end of the game, exactly two 2‘s are directly adjacent to each other, you score 2 points. If exactly three 3’s are directly adjacent, you score 3 points. For exactly four adjacent 4‘s, you score 4 points, and so on. The two star spaces double the points you score there. HOW TO PLAY Each player receives an identical score sheet and a pencil. For your first game, we recommend using game pad A. You can find the rules for game pad B and the solo variant at the end of this rulebook. The youngest player goes first. He or she rolls both dice once. Next, all players (including the one who rolled) must write down both numbers on their sheets. Each player may freely choose where to write down these numbers, but there is one rule they must follow: • Both numbers must be symmetrical to the center line: they must be written down in the same row, at an equal distance from the center. You may choose which number you want to write down on the left, and which on the right.
Once all players are finished, the next round starts and the next player in clockwise order rolls the dice as described above: he or she rolls both dice once, after which all players must write down both numbers in a position of their choice, symmetrical to the center line.
The game continues like this until 22 rounds have been played.
The game ends after 22 rounds. Each player‘s score sheet should now
be completely filled in. Points are calculated as follows:
• For each 1 that‘s on its own, meaning there are no other 1’s
orthogonally adjacent to it (diagonally is allowed), you score 1 point.
•If exactly two 2’s are orthogonally adjacent, you score 2 points.
•If exactly three 3’s are orthogonally adjacent, you score 3 points.
•If exactly four 4’s are orthogonally adjacent, you score 4 points.
•If exactly five 5’s are orthogonally adjacent, you score 5 points.
•If exactly six 6’s are orthogonally adjacent, you score 6 points.
Note: Numbers that are diagonally next to each other are not considered
adjacent. You’re allowed to create multiple, separate groups of the same
number. For example, if you manage to create three separate groups
containing exactly three 3‘s, you score 3 points per group.
Very important: both star spaces double the value of a valid group.
The player with the highest final score wins. If there‘s a tie, those players
share the victory.
The play area on game pad B also contains 44 spaces, 2 of which are
star spaces. The same rules as in the normal game apply: there are no
changes. However, the three heart spaces are new, which means the
following rules are added:
• Numbers are written down in the three heart spaces according to the
normal rules. If at the end of the game you managed to write down the
same number in all three heart spaces, you score 5 bonus points.
Note: it doesn‘t matter whether these numbers are part of a valid
group or not