#83034: "lack of a rule in the game BANG"
notupdated: この報告は、長い間コメントも投票もなかったので閉鎖されました
ルール: ゲームのルールが正しく実装されていない
• BGAで正しく実装されていないルールはどの部分ですか?
In the rule book of BANG it is mentioned that when a player uses a panic card, there are two situations. the first one is that if he selects a player to take the card from , he will be able to do so (this case work completely ok).
But the other situation concerning the time that the player does not specify any other player to take any card from, it should be possible to take the card from the deck. but this option is not activated (this case is the problem).
at the end many thanks for making such a good website• ルールの間違いはゲームのリプレイで確認できますか?そうであれば、行動番号は何番ですか?
not relevant• あなたのブラウザは何ですか?
Google Chrome v110
2023年 3月 8日 8:41 •
Sourisdudesert • この報告は、長い間コメントも投票もなかったので閉鎖されました:
2024年 3月12日 12:16 • Report closed automatically because it has not been upvoted or commented for a while.
Your bug has probably been fixed already, or was linked to a temporary failure of BGA service.
In any case, when filling a bug report, make sure to have an explicit title linked to the incident (ex: with error message), so other players can recognize it and vote for it.
Your bug has probably been fixed already, or was linked to a temporary failure of BGA service.
In any case, when filling a bug report, make sure to have an explicit title linked to the incident (ex: with error message), so other players can recognize it and vote for it.
- 他のテーブルID/行動ID
- F5キー(ページの再読込)で問題は解決されましたか?
- 問題は何回も起こりましたか?毎回 起こりますか?ランダムに起きますか?
- もしこのバグのスクリーンショットがあれば(素晴らしい!)、Imgur.com等を使ってアップロードし、リンクをコピー&ペーストしてください。