テラミスティカ(Terra Mystica)の報告
#63902: "Add Variant Option: Use Expansion Final Scoring Instead of Regular Final Scoring"
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I'm sure this has been discussed before, but testing the fan factions has got me thinking about it again. I've found that I tend not to play with the expansion extra final scoring since doing two separate final scoring rounds changes the balance between during-game and post-game points, and I like the original balance. But, I do think the additional final scoring tile variability is interesting. So I think it would be fun to play with the extra final scoring replacing the ordinary network final scoring. That is, the ordinary final scoring goes into a pool with the expansion final scoring, and only one is selected.• あなたのブラウザは何ですか?
Google Chrome v100
Patrick of the Isles • この提案はまだ開発者によって解析されていません:
2022年 5月 2日 2:24 • Final scoring tiles are already implemented. This would simply be an option to have a random final scoring in place of the regular final scoring, instead of in addition to regular final scoring.
djabwana • この提案はまだ開発者によって解析されていません:
2022年 9月12日 5:26 • This also makes a ton of sense given that the variations still require connection to "count". If something like SA and SH distance DIDN'T require connection it would be a good way for someone else to earn different points while the other players got network points. But since you do have to connect, it's very redundant to have both bonuses.
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