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#49128: "Marked-off Real Estate Agents were not fully marked"
表示バグ: 表示されるゲームの情報が間違っている(ゲーム上の重要事項を表示していない)
• 表示の問題を説明してください もしこのバグのスクリーンショットがあれば(素晴らしい!)、Imgur.com等を使ってアップロードし、リンクをコピー&ペーストしてください。
When I placed a purple card and chose an estate size to promote in the scoring section, sometimes it doesn't quite mark it. There is a small mark in the top right corner of the number, but that's it. It persists throughout the game, resists refresh, and is visible in replay. Moves 3-5 and other times throughout the game. Doesn't happen every time I use a purple card. Also, next time I construct with Real Estate Agent, it does let me choose the next value, so it's just a display bug.• あなたのブラウザは何ですか?
Google Chrome v94
nopeasaurus • バグは未だ開発者によって再現できていません:
2021年 9月24日 9:36 • Happened in multiple games: boardgamearena.com/table?table=204173231
Screenshots from both games: imgur.com/a/8lL1oSz
Screenshots from both games: imgur.com/a/8lL1oSz
alxwants • バグは未だ開発者によって再現できていません:
2021年10月13日 7:06 • table ID: 208714421
The drawing of the scribble SVG seems to be related to the screen size and position of the scribble. If I resize the screen, the scribble appears again. Resizing the window seems to hide/show other ones as well. Also, if I move the left position of the div holding the SVG, it appears again. But every 3 pixels the scribble disappears again.
This is on a Macbook Pro with a retina screen and the window is 1440px wide.
The drawing of the scribble SVG seems to be related to the screen size and position of the scribble. If I resize the screen, the scribble appears again. Resizing the window seems to hide/show other ones as well. Also, if I move the left position of the div holding the SVG, it appears again. But every 3 pixels the scribble disappears again.
This is on a Macbook Pro with a retina screen and the window is 1440px wide.
adrianzr • バグは未だ開発者によって再現できていません:
2021年10月28日 22:32 • I upvoted because the same problem is happening with the markings on the parks (just a small mark).
nopeasaurus • バグは未だ開発者によって再現できていません:
2021年10月29日 3:03 • @adrianzr does it appear if you resize the screen, like it does with our Real Estate scribbles?
merdun • バグは未だ開発者によって再現できていません:
2021年11月 2日 1:45 •
2021年11月12日 9:19 • I think this happened on my most recent game on estate size 3, top tier imgur.com/OmyxUm5
Later the final tier as scribbled out correctly and my score was calculated accurately, not sure if i took any action to make this happen
Later the final tier as scribbled out correctly and my score was calculated accurately, not sure if i took any action to make this happen
- 他のテーブルID/行動ID
- F5キー(ページの再読込)で問題は解決されましたか?
- 問題は何回も起こりましたか?毎回 起こりますか?ランダムに起きますか?
- もしこのバグのスクリーンショットがあれば(素晴らしい!)、Imgur.com等を使ってアップロードし、リンクをコピー&ペーストしてください。