ラ・グランハ(La Granja)の報告
#22859: "Peddler not implemented correctly when 2 markers are removed"
ルール: ゲームのルールが正しく実装されていない
• BGAで正しく実装されていないルールはどの部分ですか?
drive.google.com/file/d/0Bw24sRi2d9_pV0xqeERhcGFab3c/view Official unofficial FAQ 33.5
Green player displaced player Blue's 6 marker. Player Blue had a 5 marker next to it. Player Blue had Peddler.
Player Blue clicked on the 6 and the BGA interface did not let player Blue move the 6 marker to the 5 spot.
It seems Peddler is not implemented properly. ALL markers are removed immediately when a new marker is placed. The Peddler is an action that lets you re-place a marker AFTER the remove. The 5 spot should have been available.
Proper implementation is just remove all the markers and make a list of all open spaces surrounding each removed marker and then present it to the Peddler player to place back a marker.• ルールの間違いはゲームのリプレイで確認できますか?そうであれば、行動番号は何番ですか?
475• あなたのブラウザは何ですか?
Google Chrome v84
2020年 8月19日 15:37 •
jnads • バグは未だ開発者によって再現できていません:
2020年 8月19日 15:38 • To clarify, as the rules are worded the 6 should be able to be relocated to the removed 5 marker's spot.
hersh • バグは開発者に確認されました:
2020年 9月29日 20:22 • confirmed.
Implementation is such that you move booted markers before the others are removed. That said I'm not sure when I'll get around to looking at this closer.
Implementation is such that you move booted markers before the others are removed. That said I'm not sure when I'll get around to looking at this closer.
RicardoRix • バグは開発者に確認されました:
2020年10月20日 20:57 • I removed a token that belonged to a paddler player.
I did not receive an additional point for this. I can't find anything in the rules about this specific case.
I did not receive an additional point for this. I can't find anything in the rules about this specific case.
RicardoRix • バグは開発者に確認されました:
2020年10月20日 22:01 • ^^ I also did not receive an additional point because of the 'craft marker' bonus.
hersh • バグは開発者に確認されました:
2020年10月20日 22:05 • which table number? also the additional point is only awarded in future rounds, not same round when craft marker is received.
- 他のテーブルID/行動ID
- F5キー(ページの再読込)で問題は解決されましたか?
- 問題は何回も起こりましたか?毎回 起こりますか?ランダムに起きますか?
- もしこのバグのスクリーンショットがあれば(素晴らしい!)、Imgur.com等を使ってアップロードし、リンクをコピー&ペーストしてください。