#160894: "On the tablet I can’t see the description for challenge cards!"
• 何を意味するのか、簡単に理解できるようにあなたの提案を正確かつ簡潔に説明してください。
I play on a tablet, I like the raised difficulty of additional challenge cards, but the need to ‘hover’ over a challenge card to enable a description means I cannot access said descriptions on a tablet and have to guess/try to remember from the tabletop game, what the cards are. Surely a text box should be created by clicking on.
Many thanks• あなたのブラウザは何ですか?
Safari v17.1
2025年 3月10日 15:12 •
Kayvon • この提案はまだ開発者によって解析されていません:
2025年 3月10日 15:20 • I tried it on a tablet this morning. It's working fine, though you do need to long press rather than hover.
It's also working fine for every other mobile player we've contacted. Mobile players constitute the majority of plays for Daybreak, making mobile players the rule rather than the exception. (In most comments, however, they still seem to feel they're a special exception despite this.)
If the behavior is different for you, it's important to understand what on your setup is different that you can't long-press the way everyone else can.
It's also working fine for every other mobile player we've contacted. Mobile players constitute the majority of plays for Daybreak, making mobile players the rule rather than the exception. (In most comments, however, they still seem to feel they're a special exception despite this.)
If the behavior is different for you, it's important to understand what on your setup is different that you can't long-press the way everyone else can.
- 他のテーブルID/行動ID
- F5キー(ページの再読込)で問題は解決されましたか?
- 問題は何回も起こりましたか?毎回 起こりますか?ランダムに起きますか?
- もしこのバグのスクリーンショットがあれば(素晴らしい!)、Imgur.com等を使ってアップロードし、リンクをコピー&ペーストしてください。