ミラーズホロウの人狼(The Werewolves of Miller's Hollow)の報告
#12697: "Game events and player's chat should be separated"
• 何を意味するのか、簡単に理解できるようにあなたの提案を正確かつ簡潔に説明してください。
Hello BGA dev. team,
During our game people were very chatty and it was a mess with the game events in-between the player's discussions.
We figured out it would be better to have game events in a separate chat.
Solution 1 : Displays player's chat in a window and game event in another like in the current system where we have different chat windows for our different tables.
Solution 2 : Make the table discussion window a bit higher than currently and display the two chats inside the same window (50% of the chat window's height for each subchat).
Thank you all for your support,
AmzNick• あなたのブラウザは何ですか?
Mozilla v5
2019年 6月 7日 23:41 •
dayholly86 • この提案はまだ開発者によって解析されていません:
2020年 6月16日 2:03 • I agree it's an issue. Most games, events are in a column to the right, and chat is separate. We also don't need chat to announce when a player votes or is ready to vote. The lack of the hourglass is sufficient.
Alius1 • この提案はまだ開発者によって解析されていません:
2020年 6月26日 3:33 • perfect idea. the question is, how to design the UI. At least the desktop version should be done easily
aghagh • この提案はまだ開発者によって解析されていません:
2020年 6月26日 9:46 •
2020年 7月17日 15:59 • I don't agree with this suggestion to separate game events and player chat.
Often in a game you have to go back to read the chat (usually when a player is eliminated and their identity revealed, but not only) and it may be important to see what was going on in the game when a player said something. This game is a timing game in many ways and context is crucial, so being able to track *when* things take place is important. So tracking who voted first, fast, etc. can provide useful information.
I think the developers probably had this in mind whey they implemented the game with a chat system that differs from the regular one found in other games.
Often in a game you have to go back to read the chat (usually when a player is eliminated and their identity revealed, but not only) and it may be important to see what was going on in the game when a player said something. This game is a timing game in many ways and context is crucial, so being able to track *when* things take place is important. So tracking who voted first, fast, etc. can provide useful information.
I think the developers probably had this in mind whey they implemented the game with a chat system that differs from the regular one found in other games.
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