#11859: "Must change game type to Deathmatch before I can lower the player count to 2"
• やりたかったゲームアクションは何ですか?
Set the number of players• このゲームアクションを引き起こす為に何を試みましたか?
Clicked "-" on the maximum player count• これを行おうとしたときに何が起こりましたか?(エラーメッセージ、ステータスバーメッセージ、他)
I got an error message that says, "High Form is only available for 2 players, please use Deathmatch for 3 or 4."• あなたのブラウザは何ですか?
Firefox 64 Mac
tabicat • バグは未だ開発者によって再現できていません:
2019年 1月31日 1:20 • When I create a new game, it defaults to HIgh Form and 2-4 players. If I click on the "-" to change the 2 to a 3, I get the error message, and it changes back to 4. I have to manually set the game type to Deathmatch, then change the player count down to 2, and then change the game type back to High Form.
Quinarbre • バグは開発者に確認されました:
2019年 5月 6日 8:42 • It's a shortcoming of the table creation page.
The previous version allowed you to change the player count even in High Form, but then people didn't understand why their game wouldn't start with 4p in High Form.
I agree it would probably be better to have by default min=max=2 players so that people don't get confused and only go up to 4 players after having set Deathmatch, but that's not something I can tweak in the gameoptions file.
The previous version allowed you to change the player count even in High Form, but then people didn't understand why their game wouldn't start with 4p in High Form.
I agree it would probably be better to have by default min=max=2 players so that people don't get confused and only go up to 4 players after having set Deathmatch, but that's not something I can tweak in the gameoptions file.
tabicat • バグは開発者に確認されました:
2019年 5月19日 5:39 • Wouldn't it just be simpler to default to Deathmatch instead of High Form? Then you can change the number of players easily.
Quinarbre • バグは開発者に確認されました:
2019年 5月19日 17:09 • Then again :
- I'm not sure there's a way to specify which are the default values (I guess they would be the first one for each option but I'm not even certain)
- Once you've started at least one game, the default values for you will be the last you used, so generic default values would have very limited use
- I think, and there is a general consensus, that the game is mainly intended for and far better in 2p High Form, so I'd like that to remain the default way of discovering the game
- I'm not sure there's a way to specify which are the default values (I guess they would be the first one for each option but I'm not even certain)
- Once you've started at least one game, the default values for you will be the last you used, so generic default values would have very limited use
- I think, and there is a general consensus, that the game is mainly intended for and far better in 2p High Form, so I'd like that to remain the default way of discovering the game
- 他のテーブルID/行動ID
- F5キー(ページの再読込)で問題は解決されましたか?
- 問題は何回も起こりましたか?毎回 起こりますか?ランダムに起きますか?
- もしこのバグのスクリーンショットがあれば(素晴らしい!)、Imgur.com等を使ってアップロードし、リンクをコピー&ペーストしてください。