Castle Combo is an abstract family game with an open draft.
The concept is that players take cards from the board into their tableau, forming a 3x3 at the end, as players take one card per round for 9 rounds (even if one or more are turned over).
Cards are paid for with money (some cost zero) and when added to the tableau they can provide money and/or keys, and more importantly, points at the end of the game depending on the conditions on the card. Players must take a card from the row where the pawn is located, but can pay keys to move the pawn to another row or discard all existing cards and replace them. Players can take a card at any time and place it face down on the board, earning 6 dollars and 2 keys.
Cards are open, combos are readable by everyone around the table, and it is a very pleasant game to chill.
Castle Combo is a fun game that offers a lot of options and variety in a fairly short time, as the game is quick- also quick to learn. You do not trust me? Click the link below to learn more about it, or simply try the tutorial provided to get a glimpse of it:
Let's thank CatchUp Games , Grégory Grard & Mathieu Roussel for their authorization to adapt this game to BGA, and let's celebrate another fine release from our developer, thoun!
That's it for your Wednesday Release Time.
We're happy to release some easier and simpler games, mostly because, you probably know, we try to keep the balance. So any lightweight game release could mean a heavier one is coming. Any guesses?
Lastly, note that you can also check the statistics about the Summer Calendar from this year in the related forum post. Thx to all for paticipating!
Thanks for your time, and as always: Take care and play fair!
See you next week.
キャッスルコンボ: これが私が城の王様である理由だ!
キャッスルコンボは、ゲームが速く、習得も簡単なので、かなり短い時間で多くのオプションと多様性を提供する楽しいゲームです。信じられませんか? 詳細については、以下のリンクをクリックしてください。 または、提供されているチュートリアルを試して、概要を確認してください:
このゲームをBGAに適応させる許可を与えてくれたCatchUp Games、Grégory GrardおよびMathieu Rousselに感謝し、開発者thounによるもう一つの素晴らしいリリースを祝いましょう!
最後に、今年の[サマーカレンダー]の統計は、関連フォーラム投稿で確認することもできます。( ご参加いただいた皆様、ありがとうございました!