*Prepare your backpack, It's gonna be a day on tour to the top!
Two games for a single release, and they're all up to the same publisher, the well-named** ALL PLAY!**
First, ON TOUR:
Each turn in On Tour, two ten-sided dice are rolled to make two two-digit numbers. For example, a roll of 3 and 7 creates the numbers 37 and 73. All players write each of those numbers in a state on their map. The regions they can write in are restricted by three cards turned up in the middle of the table.
At the end of the game, each player draws a route on their map, starting with a low number and visiting adjacent states with higher and higher numbers. Players get a point for every state they visit.
We would love to thanks Chad DeShon for the authorization to port this game to our platform!
There's a tutorial for you to learn how to play it, or you can simply click below to go directly to the game page:
Second : ROLL TO THE TOP Journeys:
Travel to incredible landmarks all over the globe - from the Pyramid of Giza to the Matterhorn. Follow the young artist journey through her postcards, sent back home to her family to recount the details of her trip.
In Roll to the Top, all players use the same pool of dice to fill in their travel boards. As you fill the boxes, the numbers you place must be greater than or equal to the numbers below them, so plan carefully!
The first player to completely fill their board wins.
We would love to thank Peter Joustra and Corné van Moorsel for their authorization to bring the game online.
There's a tutorial for you to learn how to play it, or you can simply click below to go directly to the game page:
https://boardgamearena.com/gamepanel?ga ... opjourneys
Both adaptations have been fantastically done by pasko92 who developed them, and of course all under the supervision of All Play who allowed us to host them to Board Game Arena.
They're two different games that you should absolutely try. There's no doubt you're gonna find one that will best fit your tastes.
And don't hesitate to share with us which one you prefer!
Which has the most potential to gather your love and clicks?
Let us know in the commenst!
That's it for today, until Wednesday,
Take care and... play fair!
ALL PLAY DAY - 2 ゲームがリリースされました: オンツアー & ロールトゥザトップ 今すぐプレイ可能!
バックパックを準備してください。頂上までの 1 日ツアーになります!
1 度のリリースで2 つのゲームが出ました。2つとも有名な出版社であるALL PLAY!のゲームです。
たとえば、3と7 の出目により、37 と 73 という数字ができます。
数字を書ける地域は、テーブルの中央にめくられた 3 枚のカードによって制限されます。
このゲームをBGAに移植する許可をくださったChad DeShonに感謝いたします!
プレイ方法を学ぶためのチュートリアルがあります。または、以下をクリックしてゲーム ページに直接移動することもできます。
ゲームのオンライン化を許可してくださったPeter Joustra 氏と Corné van Moorsel 氏に心から感謝いたします。
プレイ方法を学ぶためのチュートリアルがあります。または、以下をクリックしてゲーム ページに直接移動することもできます。
どちらの適応も、開発したpasko92によって見事に行われ、もちろん、 Board Game Arenaでのホストを許可したAll Playの監督のもとで行われました。
この 2 つは、絶対に試してみるべきゲームです。