**Space... the final frontier for 1 to 6 players. **
Our planet has run out of resources, and we are forced to move. We have discovered a series of planets and sent our rovers to test their environment with the hope of colonization. Our rovers have confirmed 1-6 viable colonization options.
Planet Unknown is a competitive game for 1-6 players in which players attempt to develop the best planet. Each round, each player places one polyomino-shaped, dual-resource tile on their planet. Each resource represents the infrastructure needed to support life on the planet. Every tile placement is important to cover your planet efficiently and also to build up your planet's engine. After placing the tile, players do two actions associated with the two infrastructure types on the tile. Some tile placements trigger "meteors" that make all planets harder to develop and prevent them from scoring points in the meteor's row and column.
Planet Unknown innovates on the popular polyomino trend by allowing simultaneous, yet strategic turn-based play via the Lazy S.U.S.A.N. space station in the center of the table.
You can learn to play it in a few minutes by opening the tutorial included.
But if you want the full experience, you can just land on the gamepage you will find right below:
There are already close to a thousand players and more than 700 tables playing it. No doubt it will work beautifully on your devices, and there are plenty of cool display options for you to be able to manage the game the way you want.
We would love to thank Tisaac and firgon for the hard work developing it. Kudos to them!
No games without designers and publishers, and it's all up to Ryan Lambert and Adam Rehberg, and Adam's Apple Games publishing that you can play it here!
**BUT WAIT... There's more!
**It's all in English there, but we want to offer a new feature for some choosen ones to try some new pages and novelties on Board Game Arena: The BGA LAB!
Read all the details by clicking this link and let us know if you are interested in it!
*And now, to infinity and beyond!
But before, let's have lunch. I can't handle a rocket launch without lunch.
Let us know if you enjoyed it as much as we do!*
And now...
Take care and play fair!
See you next week for another amazing adventure... or more.
未知の惑星については知っておくべきです。 +BGAラボ!
それは1 ~ 6 人用の最後のフロンティアです。
私たちの探査機は、1~6 の実行可能な植民地候補を確認しました。
Planet Unknown は、プレイヤーが最高の惑星を開発しようとする 1 ~ 6 人のプレイヤー向けの競争ゲームです。
タイルを配置した後、プレイヤーはタイル上の 2 つのインフラスタイプに関連付けられた 2 つのアクションを実行します。
未知の惑星 は、 Lazy SUSAN を介して同時かつ戦略的なターンベースのプレイを可能にすることで、人気のポリオミノのトレンドを革新します。
すでに 1,000 人近くのプレイヤーと 700 以上のテーブルがプレイされています。
開発に尽力してくださったTisaac 氏と firgon 氏に心から感謝いたします。
デザイナーとパブリッシャーのいないゲームは存在しません。ここでプレイできるかどうかは、すべてRyan Lambert と Adam Rehberg 、そしてAdam の Apple Gamesパブリッシングにかかっています。
すべて英語ですが、 Board Game Arena: The BGA LAB でいくつかの新しいページやノベルティを試していただけるように、選ばれた人たちに新機能を提供したいと考えています。
でもその前に、ランチにしましょう。 昼食なしでロケットの打ち上げに耐えることはできません。
また来週、素晴らしい冒険でお会いしましょう... 以上。