In Hokito, you want to dominate the opponent's pieces- and possibly your own- to create valuable towers that will score for you at game's end.
Each player has 18 pieces, six each with 1, 2, or 3 marks, with one player taking black pieces and the other white. Gameplay takes place on a 6x6 board; to set up, you each spread your 18 pieces at random on your half of the board. The black player begins.
On a turn, choose a piece or a stack of more than one piece that you control because your color is on top, and move that piece/stack so that it lands on one of the same height: i.e., a single piece needs to land on a single piece and a stack on a stack. You move the piece/stack orthogonally 1-3 occupied spaces, with the number of moves matching the number of marks on the topmost piece. You can move the piece/stack at a 90º angle when crossing an occupied space, so a piece/stack that moves 2 can move orthogonally to the second occupied space (as long as it's occupied with a piece/stack) or it can make a single 90º turn as it passes over the first occupied space.
As more spaces become empty, fewer movement options remain open to players, and as soon as any one player cannot move, the game ends. Each player then scores for the pieces and stacks they control. The value of a piece/stack is the number of marks on the topmost piece multiplied by the number of pieces in that stack, which means a piece on its own is worth only 1-3 points. Whoever has the higher score wins.
Click here to learn how to play this gem through a tutorial, or
simply start a game from here:
We would like to thank Claude Leroy, the game designer, as well as the Cosmoludo team for their authorization to bring the game to the platform.
Best of all was to have BLOIZO develop the game for the platform. We would like to thank him a lot for this.
That's it for this Wednesday!
And if you're coming to Cannes (France) this week, don't miss our booth at the Festival International Des Jeux de Cannes fair!
Take care and play... fair!
各プレーヤーは 18 個の駒を持ち、それぞれに 1、2、または 3 のマークが付いた 6 個の駒があり、1 人のプレーヤーが黒の駒を取り、もう 1 人のプレーヤーが白の駒を取ります。
このゲームは 6x6 のボードで行われます。準備として、各プレイヤーは持っている 18 個のピースをボードの半分に並べます。
占有されているスペースを横切るときにピース/スタックを90°の角度で移動できるため、2移動するピース/スタックは2番目の占有スペースに直交して移動できます(ピース/スタックで占有されている限り)。最初の占有スペースの上を通過するときに、90° 1 回転します。
ゲーム デザイナーのClaude LeroyとCosmoludoチームが、ゲームをプラットフォームに導入することを許可してくれたことに感謝します。
一番良かったのは、 BLOIZOにプラットフォーム用のゲームを開発してもらったことです。
今週カンヌ(フランス) にお越しの際は、フェスティバル インターナショナル デ ジュ ド カンヌ フェアのブースをお見逃しなく!