{IN_GAME} 人プレイ中 •
{WAITING} 人募集中
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- Use your big pieces to grow your snake, and small pieces to block your opponent's snake
- Try to maximize number of turns where you grow your snake while blocking your opponent at the same time - you only have 7 turns, so squeeze as much as possible from each of them!
- When building a snake, try to always have 2 options of where to continue - when opponent blocks one, you can continue with the other one
- All the places around the body of opponents snake are reserved for you - opponent can never place tiles on those places. Plan ahead with this in mind
- As second player, you have 1 piece fewer than your opponent. You can start with a big tile, but if both players manage to build a snake from all their pieces, the starting player wins. This pushes the second player to play a bit more offensively
- The U piece is great for completely blocking one end of opponents snake, but can also be used to gain a lot of length in tight spaces.
- The L piece is the most versatile piece with its 12 possible orientations. It is usually better to save it for later when you can use its flexibility the most
- The 2-piece is great for connecting two snakes in tight spaces